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David Butler


Top Donors

All Years
Amount Donor
$42,998 Butler, David
$39,537* Butler for Delegate - David
$24,917 Democratic Party of Virginia
$24,629 House Democratic Caucus
$14,600 Schaufeld, Frederick D
$13,500 Pearson, Shirley V
$6,009 Baltimore Washington Construction & Public Employees Laborers PAC
$5,500 Rice, Edward Hart
$3,000 Butler, Harold
$2,500 Nader, Anthony P III
$2,500 NEW Customer Service Companies Inc
$2,000 Butler, Pamela A
$2,000 Fianna Investments LLC
$2,000 Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
$1,250 Danoff, Barry
$1,000 Englin for Delegate - David
$1,000 Lindberg, Jon
$1,000 Martinez, Doris
$1,000 Mitchell, Clair B
$1,000 Photoworks
$1,000 Service Employees International Union - Local 32BJ
$1,000 White, Cliff
$900 Festa, Betty
$800 Michelle Lindsay Photography
$750 Coleman Associates

*Includes donations — either transfers between committees controlled by the same candidate or from from so-called 527 groups — that may have been excluded from aggregated totals at the top of this page and on previous pages.