Dickie Bell

Dickie Bell served in the House of Delegates from 2010 to 2020 (HD20).

Payments from Bell for Delegate - Dickie

21 payments totalling $809:

Amount Date Description
$44 2/19/2019 reimbursement - bags cards tissue throws for staff recognition
$179 12/19/2018 Reimbursement for travel expenses
$50 8/3/2018 Reimburse for fair and promo night
$81 11/3/2017 reimbursement for campaign related expenses
$344 10/1/2017 Reimburse cash expenditures for various campaign expenses
$80 11/11/2015 Reimbursement for after election supplies and decorations
$-976 7/13/2015 Reimbursement for travel expense to SREB
$15 7/28/2014 Bob Goodlatte lunch meeting ticket
$34 7/14/2014 Nelson County meeting lunch
$65 7/16/2013 Reimbursement of conference expenditures - SBE
$104 11/7/2012 reimbursement for BBQ expenses - papers, flowers, thank you gifts for volunteers, table decorations
$24 8/8/2012 Republican Breakfast
$30 12/8/2011 $20 tips $10 parking
$43 11/14/2011 election day expenses/lunch volunteers
$199 7/29/2011 reimbusement for purchase of web domain
$120 7/24/2011 reimbursement for campagin expenses
$73 3/20/2011 Reimburse for pizza for Bridgewater College Republicans
$42 12/21/2010 fuel and parking
$43 12/4/2010 Reimbursement for pizzas for letter stuffing volunteers
$131 10/10/2010 reimbursement for lodging for campaign fundraiser